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Video Vacancies

The future of recruitment and branding is with video's. Video's enable brands to tell their story.

How It Works

The Newest Recruitment Solution for Reaching Gen-Z

Creating video's only for social media is like single-use plastic, people see it once or twice and then it's gone. Why spend so much on professional video content, simply to throw it away?

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Easily upload job-video's

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Let A.I. optimize while you wait

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Select the best candidates

If you want to speak to someone from Swipework to ask any question about getting your job-video's online, feel free to press the Demo button below:

Why SwipeWork

SwipeWork is the best platform for your recruitment and branding

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swipework video vacancy jobboard jobs work generation-z gen-z find young employees traineeships internships instagram tiktok

The only 'video-first' job platform

Vacancies in text have been the standard for centuries....

But they are so boring... Let job seekers browse through video content on their future workplace. This gives them a better view and many more insights about their company, team and job. 

Let A.I. help you

Save on all the work that used to be needed. With Swipework your A.I. will:

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Write vacancies

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Help out with semantic matching

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Create company video's

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swipework video vacancy jobboard jobs work generation-z gen-z find young employees traineeships internships instagram tiktok

Affordable Pricing

SwipeWork offers the most affordable recruitment pricing in the market.

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Only a monthly subscription

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No recruitment fees

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Can be cancelled monthly

Speak Gen-Z language

Let A.I. find your matches

Share your job- video's on TikTok

Advanced ATS tech

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Swipework is How You Communicate With Gen-Z

We all know how hard it is for employers to communicate with Gen-Z. Sending out your vacancies on boring job platforms is NOT how to make them enthousiastic about your company. Sending them out in video's definately is!

Our Clients

Why SwipeWork is the Best Recruitment and Branding App:

"SwipeWork made app recruiting young employees a breeze"

SwipeWork has revolutionized the recruitment industry with their app. Their platform offers a comprehensive solution and makes companies able to finally reach Gen-Z.

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John Smith

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